Christopher Wise
I. Books & Special Issues
20. In The Net, by Hawad. Translated by Christopher Wise. Africa Poetry Book Series
Lincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press, 2022: pp. 90.
19. The Writings of Al Hajj Seku Tall / Les écrits d’el hadj Sékou Tall, Edited & Translated by Christopher Wise, Washington D.C.: Sahel Nomad Books, 2022.
18. The Manuscripts of Timbuktu: Secrets, Myths, and Realities, by Jean-Michel Djian. Translated by Christopher Wise. Trenton, New Jersey & Asmara, Eritrea: Africa World Press, 2019: 196 pp.
17. À la recherche de Yambo Ouologuem. Paris: Les Èditions Philae, 2018: 88 pp.
16. Archive of the Umarian Tijaniyya, Edited & Translated by Christopher Wise, Washington D.C.: Sahel Nomad Books, 2017: 500 pp.; 2ndEdition 560 pp.
15. Sorcery, Totem, and Jihad in African Philosophy, “Suspensions: Contemporary Middle Eastern and Islamicate Thought,” New York: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2017: 216 pp.
14. In Search of Yambo Ouologuem. Vlaeberg, South Africa: Chimurenga Books, “Best of Chimurenga,” Series 2, Book 5, 2011: 60pp.
13. The Timbuktu Chronicles, 1493-1599 C.E.: Al Hajj Mahmud Kati’s Tarikh al-fattash, by Al Hajj Mahmud Kâti. Edited by Christopher Wise, Translated by Christopher Wise & Hala Abu Taleb. Trenton, New Jersey & Asmara, Eritrea: Africa World Press, 2011. 340 pp.
12. Chomsky and Deconstruction: The Politics of Unconscious Knowledge, New York, Palgrave-MacMillan, 2011: 208 pp.
11. Being Arab: Arabism and the Politics of Recognition, Edited by Christopher Wise & Paul James. Fitzroy, Australia: Arena Publications, 2010: 266 pp.
10. “Being Arab: Arabism and the Politics of Recognition,” Edited by Christopher Wise & Paul James, a special double issue of Arena Journal, New Series, No. 33/34 (2009): 270 pp.
9. Derrida, Africa, and the Middle East, New York: Palgrave-MacMillan, 2009: 227pp.
8. The Yambo Ouologuem Reader: The Duty of Violence, A Black Ghostwriter’s Letter to France, & The Thousand and One Bibles of Sex. Edited & Translated by Christopher Wise. Trenton, New Jersey & Asmara, Eritrea: Africa World Press, 2008: 358pp.
7. Developing American Studies at Arab Universities: Resources, Research, and Outreach, Edited by Christopher Wise & Mounira Soliman. Cairo, Egypt: Bi-National Fulbright Commission & the American Embassy, Cairo, 2004: 186pp.
6. The Parachute Drop, by Norbert Zongo. Translated by Christopher Wise. Trenton, New Jersey & Asmara, Eritrea: Africa World Press, 2004: 173pp.
5. The Desert Shore: Literatures of the Sahel, Edited by Christopher Wise. London & Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2001: 273pp.
4. Yambo Ouologuem: Postcolonial Writer, Islamic Militant, Edited by Christopher Wise. London & Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1999: 258pp.
3.Littératures du Sahel, Edited by Christopher Wise, Joseph Paré, & Salaka Sanou. Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: RÉLIS (Réseau d'Études Littéraires Sahéliennes), 1998: 124pp.
2. "Third World Literature, Postcolonial Studies, and Christianity," Special Issue, Christianity and Literature, Edited by Christopher Wise, Vol. 45, No. 1 (Autumn 1995): 152pp.
1. The Marxian Hermeneutics of Fredric Jameson, New York: Bern, Berlin, Frankfurt/M. Paris, Wein: Peter Lang, 1995. American University Studies: Series 3, Comparative Literature. Vol. 49: pp. 143.
II. Articles, Translations, Interviews, Prefaces
108. “Preface,” Introduction to Burkinabe Anglophone Literature, by Andre Kabore. Trenton, New Jersey: Africa World Press, 2022: 2.
107. “Translator’s Note,” In the Net, by Hawad. Translated by Christopher Wise, African Poetry Book Series, Series Editor: Kwame Dawes. Lincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press, 2022, xiii-xv.
106. “Decolonization or Redemption? The One-State Solution: Unsilencing Gaza, by Sara Roy, and Decolonizing Israel, Liberating Palestine, by Jeff Halper,” Arena Quarterly, No. 7 (Spring 2021): 75-79.
105. “New Writing From West Africa,” co-authored with Kristiana Kahakauwila, Special Issue, “Scribes, Griots, Poets: New Writing From West Africa,” The Bellingham Review, co-editors: Suzanne Paola, Kristiana Kahakauwila, and Christopher Wise, Volume XLII (Issue 80) Spring 2020: 56-57.
104. “The Night of the Imoko,’ by Boris Boubacar Diop, Translated by Christopher Wise in “Scribes, Griots, Poets: New Writing From West Africa,” Special Issue, “Scribes, Griots, Poets: New Writing From West Africa,” The Bellingham Review, co-editors: Suzanne Paola, Kristiana Kahakauwila, and Christopher Wise, Volume XLII (Issue 80) Spring 2020: 82-93.
103. “In The Net” by Hawad, Translated by Christopher Wise, in “Scribes, Griots, Poets: New Writing From West Africa,” Special Issue, “Scribes, Griots, Poets: New Writing From West Africa,” The Bellingham Review, co-editors: Suzanne Paola, Kristiana Kahakauwila, and Christopher Wise, Volume XLII (Issue 80) Spring 2020: 63-70.
102. “Preface” to Hawad’s “In The Net,” by Hélène Claudot-Hawad, Translated by Christopher Wise, in “Scribes, Griots, Poets: New Writing From West Africa,” Special Issue, The Bellingham Review, co-editors: Suzanne Paola, Kristiana Kahakauwila, and Christopher Wise, Volume XLII (Issue 80) Spring 2020: 60-62.
100. “Islam and West African Religions,” Handbook of Islam in Africa, Ed. Fallou Ngom, Mustapha H. Kurfi, & Toyin Falola. New York: Palgrave-MacMillan: 2020: 253-266.
99. “Introduction: Al Hajj Seku Taal, A Grand Figure of the Sahel” The Writings of Al Hajj Seku Tall, by Al Hajj Seku Taal. Translated by Christopher Wise. Washington, D.C.: Sahel Nomad Books [5,000 words], forthcoming.
98. “Après Azawad: Le devoir de violence, le djihad, et l'idéologies chérifienne dans le Nord du Mali, Translated by Ninon Chavez, Fabula: La Recherche en Littérature, "L’oeuvre de Yambo Ouologuem, Un carrefour d’écritures? (1968-2018): Acts du Colloque de Lausanne (18-19 mai 2018), L'Université de Lausanne et L'Université de Strasbourg. Ed. Christine Le Quellec Cottier & Anthony Mangeon. April 2018.
98. “Translator’s Preface,” The Manuscripts of Timbuktu: Secrets, Myths, and Realities, by Jean- Michel Djian. Translated by Christopher Wise. Trenton, New Jersey & Asmara, Eritrea: Africa World Press, 2019: 3-6.
97. “Introduction: Al Hajj Umar Taal and the Umarian Tijaniyya,” Archive of the Umarian Tijaniyya. Edited by Christopher Wise. Washington D.C.: Sahel Nomad Books, 2017: xvii-lxxi.
96. “Sovereignty in Pre-Colonial Mali and Northern Africa,” The Handbook of African Philosophy, Ed. Adeshina Afolayan & Toyin Falola, New York: Palgrave-MacMillan, 2017: 417-429.
95. “Deconstruction, Zionism, and the BDS Movement,” Arena Journal, Issue No. 47/48 (2017): 272-304.
94. “Yambo Ouologuem: Postcolonial Writer, Anti-Wahhabi Militant,” The Chimurenga Chronic, February 2015: 20-23.
93. “Foreword,” The Tribulations of a Sahelian Traveler,by Michel Tinguiri. Washington, D.C.: Sahel Nomad Books, 2014: 7-9.
92. “Yambo Ouologuem In English (Interview With Christopher Wise),” by Stacy Hardy, “Found In Translation,” Chronic Books: Supplement To Chimurenga Chronic, November 2013: 14-18.
91. “Leo Africanus and The Songhay Dynasty of the Askiyas,” Arena Journal, No 39/40 (2013):140-157.
90. “Arab Racism Invades Mali,” with Fallou Ngom. WARA Newsletter(West African Research Association), Spring 2013: 8-9.
89. “Plundering Mali,” Arena Magazine (04/2013) No. 123: 34-37.
88. “The Spirit of Zionism: Derrida, Ruah, and the Purloined Birth Right,” Deconstructing Zionism: A Critique of Metaphysical Politics, Edited by Gianni Vattimo & Michael Marder. New York: Continuum Press, 2013: 113-131.
87. “The Wild West: The Assassination of the Outlaw Osama bin Laden by the President Barak Obama,” Arena Magazine, (06/2011) No. 112: 5-6.
86. “Middle East Agendas: What form will democracy take in the Middle East?” Arena Magazine, (04/2011-05/2011) No. 111: 20-21.
85. “Pa spaning efter Yambo Ouologuem ,” Glanta, 2/2010: 132-149.
84. “Introduction to the Tarikh al fattash: Timbuktu, Gao, and the Songhay Dynasty of the Askiyas,” The Timbuktu Chronicles, 1493-1599, Edited by Christopher Wise, Trenton, New Jersey: Africa World Press, 2011: ix-xxvii.
83. “Introduction: Arabism Now,” Being Arab: Arabism and the Politics of Recognition, Edited by Christopher Wise & Paul James. Fitzroy, Australia: Arena Publications, 2010: 1-15.
82. “Arab Nationalism After Iraq: An Interview with Gilbert Achcar,” Being Arab: Arabism and the Politics of Recognition, Edited by Christopher Wise & Paul James. Fitzroy, Australia: Arena Publications, 2010: 159-174.
81. “Arabism and Jihad in the Sahel,” Being Arab: Arabism and the Politics of Recognition, Edited by Christopher Wise & Paul James. Fitzroy, Australia: Arena Publications, 2010: 254-263.
80. “Introduction: Arabism Now,” in “Being Arab: Arabism and the Politics of Recognition,” Edited by Christopher Wise & Paul James, a special double issue of Arena Journal, New Series, No. 33/34 (2009): 1-15.
79. “Arab Nationalism After Iraq: An Interview with Gilbert Achcar,” in “Being Arab: Arabism and the Politics of Recognition,” Edited by Christopher Wise & Paul James, a special double issue of Arena Journal, New Series, No. 33/34 (2009): 159-174.
78. “Arabism and Jihad in the Sahel,” in “Being Arab: Arabism and the Politics of Recognition,” Edited by Christopher Wise & Paul James, a special double issue of Arena Journal, New Series, No. 33/34 (2009): 254-263.
77. “The Novel, Historiography, and the Griot Epic in the Sahel,” Teaching The African Novel, Edited by Gaurav Desai. New York: Modern Language Association: 2009: 154-175.
76. “The Enduring Legacy of Edward Said,” Postcolonial Studies, Vol. 12, No. 1 (2009): 137-142.
75. “Preface,” The Yambo Ouologuem Reader, Edited by Christopher Wise. Trenton, New Jersey & Asmara, Eritrea: Africa World Press, 2008: vii-xx.
74. “In Search of Yambo Ouologuem,” Special Issue: “Conversations with Poets Who Refuse to Speak,” Chimurenga, Number 11 (2007): 56-73.
73. “Zionism Without Zionism: The Jacqueline Rose-Edward Said Exchange,” Arena Journal, New Series, Number 28 (2007): 119-131.
72. “The Figure of Jerusalem: Jacques Derrida’s Specters of Marx,” Contemporary Literary Criticism, Vol. 225, Edited by James W. Hunter. Detroit: Gale Research Co., 2007: 51-61.
71. "Nyama and Heka: African Concepts of the Word," Comparative Literature Studies, Vol. 43, No. 1-2 (2006): 17-36.
70. “The Killing of Norbert Zongo,” Perspectives on African Literatures at the Millennium, Ed. by Arthur Drayton & Peter Ukpokodu. Trenton, New Jersey: Africa World Press, 2006: 252-260.
69. "The Figure of Jerusalem: Jacques Derrida's Specters of Marx," Christianity and Literature, Volume 54, Number 1 (Autumn) 2004: 73-91.
68. "Introduction," with Mounria Soliman, Developing American Studies at Arab Universities: Resources, Research, and Outreach, Edited by Christopher Wise & Mounira Soliman. Cairo, Egypt: Bi-National Fulbright Commission & American Embassy, Cairo, 2004: 1-3.
67. "Challenges for Developing American Studies Programs in the Middle East," Developing American Studies at Arab Universities: Resources, Research, and Outreach, Edited by Christopher Wise & Mounira Soliman. Cairo, Egypt: Bi-National Fulbright Commission & American Embassy, Cairo, 2004: 148-157.
66. "Democratizing the American Studies Classroom," Developing American Studies at Arab Universities: Resources, Research, and Outreach, Ed. by Christopher Wise & Mounira Soliman. Cairo, Egypt: Bi-National Fulbright Commission & American Embassy, Cairo, 2004: 158-165.
65. "Conference Recommendations," Developing American Studies at Arab Universities: Resources, Research, and Outreach, Edited by Christopher Wise & Mounira Soliman. Cairo, Egypt: Bi-National Fulbright Commission & American Embassy, Cairo, 2004: 185-186.
64. “A Lesson in Orientalist Journalism,” Comparative American Studies, Vol.2, No.3 (September 2004): 357-359.
63.“Marxism, Geo-thematics, and Orality-Literacy Studies in the Sahel,” Historical Materialism: Research In Critical Marxist Theory, Special Issue: “Marxism and Sub-Saharan Africa,” Edited by Liam Campling, Vol.12, No.4 (2004): 261-288.
62. "Translator's Preface," The Parachute Drop, by Norbert Zongo. Trenton, New Jersey & Asmara, Eritrea: Africa World Press, 2004: i-xxi.
61. “The Whatness of Loulou: Allegories of Thomism in Flaubert,’” Short Story Criticism, Volume 60, Edited by Janet Witalec, Detroit, Michigan: Gale Research Co., 2003: 128-135.
60. “Paul Bowles and Islam,” The Creative Circle: Artist, Critic, Translator in African Literature, Edited by Louis Tremaine, Richard Priebe, & Angelina Overvold. Trenton, New Jersey & Asmara, Eritrea: Africa World Press, 2003: 198-214.
59. “Notes from the Aladdin Industry: or, Middle Eastern Folklore in the Era of Multinational Capitalism” The Emperor’s Old Groove: Decolonizing Disney's Magic Kingdom, Edited by Brenda Ayers, New York: Peter Lang, 2003: 105-114.
58. “Préface,” Translated by Éloïse Brezault, Le devoir de violence, by Yambo Ouologuem. Paris: Le Serpent à Plumes, 2003: 7-20.
57.“Derrida and the Palestinian Question,” Arena Journal, New Series, No. 20 (2002/2003): 167-185.
56. “Excavating the New Republic: Post-colonial Subjectivity in Achebe’s Things Fall Apart,” Contemporary Literary Criticism, Vol. 152. Detroit, Michigan: Gale Research Co., 2002: 73-83.
55. “Saying ‘Yes’ to Africa: Jacques Derrida’s Specters of Marx,” Research In African Literatures, Vol. 33, No. 4 (Winter) 2002: 124-142.
54. “Deconstruction and Zionism: Jacques Derrida’s Specters of Marx” Diacritics, Vol. 31, No. 1 (Spring) 2001: 56-72.
53. "Introduction: The Land of the Blood-Boiling Sun," co-authored with Joseph Paré, The Desert Shore: Literatures of the Sahel, Edited by Christopher Wise. London & Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2001: 1-18.
52. "Translator’s Preface: The Killing of Norbert Zongo," The Desert Shore: Literatures of the Sahel, Edited by Christopher Wise. London & Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2001: 157-158.
51. "The Mobutuization of Burkina Faso," by Norbert Zongo. Translated by Christopher Wise, The Desert Shore: Literatures of the Sahel, Edited by Christopher Wise. London & Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2001: 158-173.
50. “Anarchy’s Delirious Trek: A Tuareg Epic,” by Hawad, Translated by Georg M. Gugelberger and Christopher Wise. The Desert Shore: Literatures of the Sahel, Edited by Christopher Wise. London & Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2001: 113-126.
49."Writing Timbuktu: Park's Hat / Laing's Hand," The Desert Shore: Literatures of the Sahel, Edited by Christopher Wise. London & Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2001: 175-200.
48. "Preface to 'The Origins of the Fulani,'" The Desert Shore: Literatures of the Sahel, Edited by Christopher Wise. London & Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2001: 11-12.
47. "The Origins of the Fulani," by El Hadjj Sékou Tall. Translated by Christopher Wise, The Desert Shore: Literatures of the Sahel, Edited by Christopher Wise. London & Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2001: 12-26.
46. "The Word Beyond The Word: Pacéré's Theory of Talking Drums," The Desert Shore: Literatures of the Sahel, Edited by Christopher Wise. London & Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2001: 27-44.
45. "Saglego: or, Drum Poem (For The Sahel)," by Titinga Frédéric Pacéré. Translated by Christopher Wise, The Desert Shore: Literatures of the Sahel, Edited by Christopher Wise. London & Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2001: 45-72.
44. "Bendrology In Question," by Albert Ouedraogo. Translated by Christopher Wise & Edgard Sankara. The Desert Shore: Literatures of the Sahel, Edited by Christopher Wise. London & Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2001: 73-86.
43. "Wanderings: Bamako, Moscow, Delhi," by El Hadjj Sékou Tall. Translated by Christopher Wise & Karl Steel. The Desert Shore: Literatures of the Sahel, Edited by Christopher Wise. London & Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2001: 228-249.
42. "Reflections In Conclusion: Bridging The Shore," The Desert Shore: Literatures of the Sahel, Edited by Christopher Wise. London & Boulder: Lynne Rienner
Publishers, 2001: 251-252.
41. "The Case For Jameson," Beyond The Corporate University, Edited by Henry Giroux & Kostas Myrsiades, Boulder, Colorado: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2001: 175-194.
40. "Translator's Preface to 'Wanderings: Bamako, Moscow, Delhi,'" The Journal of African Travel-Writing, Special Issue: "Africans Abroad,” No. 8/9, 2001: 77-78.
39. "Wanderings: Bamako, Moscow, Delhi,” by El Hadjj Tall Sékou. Translated by Christopher Wise & Karl Steel. The Journal of African Travel-Writing, Special Issue, "Africans Abroad,” No. 8/9, 2001: 79-94.
38. "A Conversation With Mary Brave Bird," with R. Todd Wise, American Indian Quarterly, Vol. 24, No. 3 (Summer 2000): 482-493.
37. "El Hadjj Sékou Tall: A Grand Figure of the Sahel," Voices: The Wisconsin Review of African Literatures, Issue 4 (2000): 51-54.
36. "The Triumph of El Hadjj Oumar Tall," co-authored with Mountaga Tall and Diana Seck, Voices: The Wisconsin Review of African Literatures, Spring 2000, Issue 3: 29-33.
35. "The Killing of Norbert Zongo (1949-1998)," Research in African Literatures, Vol. 31, No. 1 (Spring 2000): 232-233.
34. "Forum Section: October 4, 1999," Research in African Literatures, Vol. 31, No. 1 (Spring 2000): 230-231.
33. "Key Concepts and Traditional African Society: Liberty, Equality, Human Rights, Duties, Prohibitions, Solidarity, Coexistence, Peace," by El Hadjj Sékou Tall. Translated by Christopher Wise, Voices: The Wisconsin Review of African Literatures, Issue 4 (2000): 55-63.
32. "Excavating The New Republic: Postcolonial Subjectivity in Achebe's Things Fall Apart," Callaloo: Journal of African-American and African Arts and Letters, Vol. 22, No. 4 (Fall 1999): 1054-1070.
31. "Introduction: A Voice From Bandiagara," Yambo Ouologuem: Postcolonial Writer, Islamic Militant, Edited by Christopher Wise. London & Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1999: 1-14.
30. "Qur'anic Hermeneutics, Sufism, and Le Devoir de violence: Yambo Ouologuem as Marabout-Novelist," Yambo Ouologuem: Postcolonial Writer, Islamic Militant, Edited by Christopher Wise. London & Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1999: 174-195.
29. "In Search of Yambo Ouologuem," Yambo Ouologuem: Postcolonial Writer, Islamic Militant, Edited by Christopher Wise. London & Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1999: 199-218.
28. "Yambo Ouologuem Among the Tidjaniya" Yambo Ouologuem: Postcolonial Writer, Islamic Militant, Edited by Christopher Wise. London & Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers,1999: 219-230.
27. "Interview With El Hadjj Tall Sékou," Yambo Ouologuem: Postcolonial Writer, Islamic Militant, Edited by Christopher Wise. London & Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1999: 231-241.
26. "Mary Brave Bird Speaks: A Brief Interview," with R. Todd Wise, Studies in American Indian Literatures, Vol. 10, No. 4 (Winter 1998): 1-8.
25. “Yambo Ouologuem contre Malcolm X: L'islam afro-américain vu par un musulman africain," Analyses: Revue Franco-Africaine, No. 6 (Novembre 1998): 47-55.
24. "The Actuality of Frantz Fanon: Critical Fanonism, Thomas Sankara, and Islamic 'Resurgence,'" Arena Journal, New Series, No. 12 (1998): 129-142.
23. “Chronicle of a Student Strike in Africa: The Case of Burkina Faso, 1996-1997," African Studies Review, Vol. 41, No.2 (1998): 19-36.
22. "In Search of Yambo Ouologuem," Research In African Literatures, Vol. 29, No. 2 (Summer 1998): 159-182.
21. “English Language Preface," Littératures du Sahel, Edited by Christopher Wise, Joseph Paré and Salaka Sanou. Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: RÉLIS, 1998: iii.
20. "Orientalism in Ramzi M. Salti's The Native Informant: Six Tales of Defiance from the Arab World," Notes On Contemporary Literature, Vol. XXVIII, No. 1. (January 1998):8-11.
19. “Yambo Ouologuem dans le postmoderne: les débats littéraires sur 'Le Devoir de violence depuis 1985,'" Littératures du Sahel. Edited by Christopher Wise, Joseph Paré and Salaka Sanou. Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: RÉLIS, 1998: 117-122.
18. "Resurrecting the Devil: Notes on Ngugi's Theory of the Oral-Aural African Novel," Research In African Literatures, Special Issue: "The Oral-Written Interface in African Literatures," Edited by Alain Ricard & C.F. Swanepoel. Vol.28, No.1 (Spring 1997): 134-140.
17. "Re-Orienting The Subject: Arab-American Ethnicity in Ramzi M. Salti's The Native Informant: Six Tales of Defiance From The Arab World," Ethnicity and The American Short Story, Edited by Julie Brown, New York & London: Garland Press, 1997: 213-227.
16. "The Garden Trampled: or, The Liquidation of African Culture in V.S. Naipaul's A Bend in the River," College Literature, Vol.23, No.3 (October 1996): 58-72.
15. "Qur'anic Hermeneutics, Sufism, and Le Devoir de violence: Yambo Ouologuem as Marabout Novelist," Religion and Literature, Vol.28, No.1 (Spring 1996): 85-112.
14. "Historical Review: African-American Literature," with Cora Agatucci, English Postcoloniality: Literatures From Around The World, Edited by Radhika Mohanram & Gita Rajan. Westport, Connecticut / London: Greenwood Publishing, 1996: 135-143.
13. "(Post)modernity / (Post)coloniality: A Critical Response to Mark Poster’s ‘Second Media Age?’" Arena Journal (Journal of the Arena Publications Association) New Series, No. 5 (1995): 33-49.
12. "The Hammer and The Dove: Nietzsche, Foucault, and the American New Historicism," The West Georgia College Review, Volume XXV (May 1995): 33-49.
11. "The Dialectics of Négritude," Postcolonial Discourse and Changing Cultural Contexts, Edited by Gita Rajan & Radhika Mohanram. Westport, Connecticut & London: Greenwood Publishing, 1995: 33-46.
10. "Introduction: The Poetics of Disgrace," Christianity and Literature, Special Issue: "Third World Literature, Postcolonial Studies, and Christianity," Edited by Christopher Wise. Vol.45, No.1 (Autumn 1995): 5-12.
9. "Messianic Delusions and Manichean Realities: Ngugi wa Thiong'o, Christianity, and The Third World Novel," Christianity and Literature, Edited by Christopher Wise. Vol.45, No.1 (Autumn 1995): 31-51.
8. "The Politics of Ecstasy: Postmodernity, Ethics, and Native American Culture in Oliver Stone's The Doors and Natural Born Killers," Postmodern Ethics, Edited by Marc LaFountain (West Georgia College Studies in Social Science, Vol. XXXIII 1995): 41-68.
7. "Pee-Wee, Penley, and Pedagogy: or, Hands-On Feminism in the Writing Classroom," Left Margins: Cultural Studies and Composition Pedagogy, Edited by Karen Fitts & Alan W. France. Albany, N.Y.: SUNY Press, 1995: 129-138.
6. "Counterstatement on Gerald Graff's 'The Dilemma of Oppositional Pedagogy: A Response,’" Left Margins: Cultural Studies and Composition Pedagogy, Edited by Karen Fitts & Alan W. France. Albany, N.Y.: SUNY Press, 1995: 293-294.
5. "The Case For Jameson," College Literature, Special Issue: "The Politics of Teaching Literature 2," Vol. 21, No. 3 (October 1994): 173-189.
4. "The Profane Illumination: Reflections From the Benjamin-Adorno Debate," Arena Journal (Journal of the Arena Publications Association), New Series, No. 2 (1994): 195-214.
3. "Jameson's Dialectical Aesthetics," Rethinking MARXISM, Vol. 6, No. 4 (Winter 1993): 66-86.
2. "The Whatness of Loulou: Allegories of Thomism in Flaubert," Religion & Literature, Vol. 25, No. 1 (Spring 1993) 35-49.
1. "Jameson / Frye / Medieval Hermeneutics," Christianity and Literature, Special Issue: "Northrop Frye," Edited by Robert Snyder. Vol.41, No.3 (Spring 1992): 313-333.
III. Encyclopedia Entries
14. “Brave Bird, Mary Crow Dog,” Women’s Rights in the United States: A Comprehensive Encyclopedia of Issues, Events, and People, Edited by Timothy K. Wayne, Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2014: 35-36.
13. “Amadou Hampâté Bâ,” Dictionary of African Biography: Volume 1, Edited by Henry Louis Gates, Jr. & Emmanuel K. Akyeampong. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press, 2012: 321-323.
12. “Ahmad Baba al-Massufi al-Tinbukti,” Dictionary of African Biography: Volume 1, Edited by Henry Louis Gates, Jr. & Emmanuel K. Akyeampong. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press, 2012: 124-125.
11. “Al hajj Mahmoud Kati,” Dictionary of African Biography: Volume 3, Edited by Henry Louis Gates, Jr. & Emmanuel K. Akyeampong. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press, 2012: 309-310.
10. “Yambo Ouologuem,” Dictionary of African Biography: Volume 3, Edited by Henry Louis Gates, Jr. & Emmanuel K. Akyeampong. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press, 2012: 61-62.
9. “Norbert Zongo,” Dictionary of African Biography: Volume 5, Edited by Henry Louis Gates, Jr. & Emmanuel K. Akyeampong. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press, 2012: 247-249.
8. “Frédéric Titinga Pacéré,” Dictionary of African Biography: Volume 5, Edited by Henry Louis Gates, Jr. & Emmanuel K. Akyeampong. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press, 2012: 72-73.
7. “Hawad,” Dictionary of African Biography: Volume 3, Edited by Henry Louis Gates, Jr. & Emmanuel K. Akyeampong. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press, 2012: 42-43.
6. “Brave Bird, Mary,” Encyclopedia of American Indian Religious Traditions, Vol.1, Edited by Suzanne J. Crawford and Dennis F. Kelley. Santa Barbara, California and Oxford, England: ABC-CLIO, 2005: 83-85.
5. “Crow Dog, Leonard,” Encyclopedia of American Indian Religious Traditions Vol. 1, Edited by Suzanne J. Crawford and Dennis F. Kelley. Santa Barbara, California and Oxford, England: ABC-CLIO, 2005: 190-193.
4. “An Image of Africa: Racism in Conrad's Heart of Darkness,” The Chinua Achebe Encyclopedia, Edited by M. Keith Booker. London & Westport, Conn: Greenwood Press, 2003: 115-116.
3. “Hawad,” Encyclopedia of African Literature, Edited by Simon Gikandi, London & New York: Routledge, 2003: 218.
2. “Pacéré, Frédéric Titinga,” Encyclopedia of African Literature, Edited by Simon Gikandi, London & New York: Routledge, 2003: 430.
1. “Zongo, Norbert” Encyclopedia of African Literature, Edited by Simon Gikandi, London & New York: Routledge, 2003: 587.
IV. Book Reviews
17. Rev. of Jihadists of North Africa and the Sahel, by Alexander Thurston, Reading Religion, August 19, 2021.
16. Rev. of Muslims beyond the Arab World: The Odyssey of ‘Ajami and the Muridiyya, by Fallou Ngom, Reading Religion, “AAR [American Academy of Religion] Religion, Culture, and History,” December 12, 2016.
15. Rev. of Islam, Ethics, Revolt: Politics and Piety in Francophone West African and Maghreb Narrative,by Donald R. Wehrs, Modern Fiction Studies, Vol. 56, No. 2 (Summer) 2010: 450-453.
14. Rev. of Epic Traditions of Africa, by Stephen Belcher, Comparative Literature Studies, Vol. 38, No. 4 (2001): 358-361.
13. Rev. of Ken Saro-Wiwa: Writer and Political Activist, by Craig W. McLuckie & Aubrey McPhail. & Ken Saro-Wiwa: A Bio-critical Study, by Femi Ojo Ade, Research in African Literatures, Vol. 32, No. 1 (Spring 2001): 131-132.
12. Rev. of The Real Thing: Testimonial Discourse and Latin America, by Georg M. Gugelberger, College Literature, Vol. 25, No. 3 (Fall 1998): 208-210.
11. Rev of Faces of Islam in African Literature, edited by Kenneth Harlow, Literature and Belief, Vol.16, No.1 (1996): 155-157.
10. Rev. of Colonialism and Gender Relations From Mary Wollstonecraft to Jamaica Kincaid, by Moria Ferguson, Notes on Contemporary Literature, Volume XXVI, No.1 (January 1996): 11-12.
9. Rev. of The History of Christianity in Africa, by Elizabeth Isichei, Christianity and Literature, Vol. 45, No.1 (Autumn 1995): 137-138.
8. Rev. of The Tao and The Logos: Literary Hermeneutics East and West, by Zhang Longxi, Philosophy and Literature, Vol. 18, No. 1 (April 1994) 191-192.
7. Rev. of Saints and Postmodernism: Revisioning Moral Philosophy, by Edith Wyshogrod, Christianity and Literature, Vol. 43, No.2 (Winter 1994): 228-231.
6. Rev. of Postmodern Theory: Critical Interrogationsby Stephen Best and Douglas Kellner, Radical Philosophy Review of Books, No 8 (1993): 1-3.
5. Rev. of Camera Politica: The Politics and Ideology of Contemporary Hollywood Filmby Michael Ryan and Douglas Kellner, Rethinking MARXISM, Vol.6, No.1 (Spring 1993): 139-141.
4. Rev. of Fragments of Redemption: Jewish Literary Thought in Benjamin, Scholem, and Levinasby Susan A. Handelman, Christianity and Literature, Vol.42, No.1 (Autumn 1992) 166-168.
3. Rev. of Voice-Haunted Journeyby Éliud Martinez, M.E.L.U.S.(Journal for the Society of Multi-Ethnic Literature in the United States), Vol. 17, No. 1 (Spring 1991-1992): 121-124.
2. Rev. of Signatures of The Visibleby Fredric Jameson, Philosophy and Literature, Vol. 15, No. 2 (October 1991): 347-349.
1. Rev. of Meaning and Being In Myth, by Norman Austin, Philosophy and Literature, Vol. 14, No. 2 (October 1990): 436-438.
V. Journalism
25. “Interview: Ballet Based on WWU Professor’s Story on Stage,” by Margaret Bikman, The Bellingham Herald: Take Five, Tuesday, June 9, 2011: 4 & 6.
24. “Q & A with Professor Christopher Wise: Wise explains historical background behind demonstrations in Cairo, Egypt,” by Cole Finch, The Western Front, Vol. 159, Issue 8, Friday, February 4, 2011: 6.
23. Interview: “Chinese Expulsion Forum,” by Rondolf DeGuzman, Western Front, Vol. 152, Issue 13, November 5, 2010: 3.
22. “Vive la France!” The Star: Jordan’s Political, Economic, and Cultural Weekly, Amman, Jordan, August 28 - 3 September 2003, Vol. 14, No. 9: 7.
21. “Honor Killing and Representation,” The Star: Jordan’s Political, Economic, and Cultural Weekly, Amman, Jordan, 2 – 8 July 2003, Vol. 14, No. 1: 12.
20. “Mr. Bush’s Roadmap to Failure,” The Star: Jordan’s Political, Economic, and Cultural Weekly, Amman, Jordan, 8 – 14 May 2003, Vol. 13, No. 45: 4.
19. “Civilize Them With A Stick,” The Star: Jordan’s Political, Economic, and Cultural Weekly, Amman, Jordan, 24 - 30 April 2003, Vol. 13, No. 43: 4.
18. “The Power of the Powerless,” The Star: Jordan’s Political, Economic, and Cultural Weekly, Amman, Jordan, 17-23 April 2003, Vol. 13, No. 42: 4.
17. “The Other War, Far From The Bullets,” The Star: Jordan’s Political, Economic, and Cultural Weekly, Amman, Jordan, 10-16 April 2003, Vol. 13, No. 41: 4.
16. “The Red Indians of Iraq,” Translated by Reem Razem, Al Dostour, Amman, Jordan, April 3-9, 2003.
15. “The Red Indians of Iraq,” The Star: Jordan’s Political, Economic, and Cultural Weekly, Amman, Jordan, 3-9 April 2003, Vol. 13, No 40:12.
14. “Where Have All The Cowboys Gone?” The Star: Jordan’s Political, Economic, and Cultural Weekly, Amman, Jordan, 30 March - 2 April 2003, Vol. 13, No. 39: 4.
13. “Mr. Bush Writes ‘The Rest’ of History,” The Star: Jordan’s Political, Economic, and Cultural Weekly, Amman, Jordan, 13-19 March 2003, Vol. 13, No. 36: 4 & 6.
12. “This War Sucks, Mr. Friedman,” The Star: Jordan’s Political, Economic, and Cultural Weekly, Amman, Jordan, 6-12 March 2003, Vol. 13, No. 35: 4.
11. “An End to American Realpolitik?” The Star: Jordan’s Political, Economic, and Cultural Weekly, Amman, Jordan, 11-19 February 2003, Vol. 13, No. 32: 4.
10. “Jewish Fundamentalism In Israel,” The Star: Jordan’s Political, Economic, and Cultural Weekly, Amman, Jordan, 30 January – 5 February 2003, Vol. 13, No.30: 11.
9. “Loyalty to his own ‘tribe,’” The Star: Jordan’s Political, Economic, and Cultural Weekly, Amman, Jordan, 23-29 January 2003, Vol. 13, No. 29: 7.
8. “The Myth of Israeli Democracy,” The Star: Jordan’s Political, Economic, and Cultural Weekly, Amman, Jordan, 16-22 January 2003, Vol. 13, No. 28: 4.
7. “The American Studies Program Revisited,” Interview by Reem Razem, The University of Jordan: Campus News, November-December 2002, Issue 134: 8-10.
6.“The Image of Ma’an In U.S. Media,” The Star: Jordan’s Political, Economic, and Cultural Weekly, Amman, Jordan, 23 November – 4 December 2002, Vol. 13, No 21: 4.
5. “A Lesson In Orientalist Journalism,” The Star: Jordan’s Political, Economic, and Cultural Weekly, Amman, Jordan, 7-13 November 2002, Vol. 13, No. 18: 4.
4. “Race Politics and U.S. Foreign Policy,” The Star: Jordan’s Political, Economic, and Cultural Weekly, Amman, Jordan, 24-30 October 2002, Vol. 13, No. 16: 4 & 8.
3. “Ben Laden, Bush – Shared Rage and Thirst For Vengeance,” The Jordan Times, Friday-Saturday, October 12-13, 2001: 5.
2. "L’écriture et la libérté: L’assassinat de Norbert Zongo," ALA Bulletin:A Publication of the African Literature Association, Vol. 26 (Spring 2000): 83.
1. "Writing and Freedom: The Zongo Affair," ALA Bulletin:A Publication of the African Literature Association, Vol. 26 (Spring 2000): 86.
V. Ballet
Northwest Ballet’s Emerald Bay, libretto by Christopher Wise, choreography by John Bishop. [Sponsored by the University of Washington’s English Department & American Ethnic Studies Program; Western Washington University’s College of Humanities & Social Sciences, the English Department, Student Affairs/Diversity Office, Women’s Studies, & the Classical Ballet Club; Northwest Chinese Cultural Association; the Chinese Expulsion Remembrance Project, Old Fairhaven Association, Celtic Arts Foundation, Village Books, & the Whatcom Museum.]
University of Washington, Meany Hall, Seattle, Washington, May 15, 2011.
Mt. Baker Theater, Bellingham, Washington, June 10, 11, & 12, 2011.
Videos (Click underlined links below to view videos):
Emerald Bay Promotional Video.
Emerald Bay: Act 1: Lummi Village
Emerald Bay: Act 2: Port Scene
Emerald Bay: Act 3: Dirty Dan & Goon Dip
Emerald Bay: Act 4: Row Boat & Chinese Ship
Emerald Bay: Act 5: Return to Port
Emerald Bay: Act 6: Evening
Emerald Bay: Act 8: Challenge Fight
Emerald Bay: Act 9: Scottish Reel
Emerald Bay: Act 11: Battle Final Scene
Related Events & Publications:
Emerald Bay: From the Lost Archives of Mark Twain, (Children’s Book), by Christopher Wise Bellingham, WA: Northwest Ballet Theater Publications, 2011. 89 pp.
“Commemoration of 1885: Chinese Family Activity Day,” Lightcatcher Building, Whatcom Musuem, Bellingham, April 30, 2011.
“Chinese Expulsion – Legacy of Intolerance in Whatcom County,” Fairhaven Auditorium, Western Washington University, November 8, 2010.